Upcoming Webinars
Intro to Mentoring Software Webinar
See next session dates below!
RSVP here for an upcoming information session on “How to Automate Your Mentoring Program” using Mentoring Software tools and procedures.
This session is for you if you are:
* Starting or expanding a mentoring program
* Using online forms and Excel to manage it
* Interested in saving time and effort
* Exploring mentoring automation features
In this session you will learn:
* How mentees can “make their own adventures”
* What aspects can be automated (or not)
* Mentor-mentee matching options
* Mentoring communication options
* Mentoring curriculum / interactive activities
* Beyond the match – community building
* What data can be tracked (or not)
* Useful insights for on-going reports
* How to manage multiple programs easily
* Connecting with your existing systems
* Beyond the tools – growing relationships
* When to consider a mentoring software
* What to look for in a possible provider
+ more

* We care about your privacy, your email will never be shared with others. By submitting your information, you acknowledge that you have read our privacy policy.