Easily manage mentoring programs across local, regional or international chapters
Multi-Chapter Mentoring
Associations with chapters can benefit from mentoring programs but often have limited budgets or smaller programs.
With MentorEase’s Association Chapter Mentoring feature, associations are able to offer mentoring across chapters in a cost effective and scalable manner:
* Option 1 – Members select their chapter as part of the registration process
* Option 2 – Each chapter has its own landing page, branded to their specific state or province.
* Option 3 – Combined programs. Chapters are paired up (e.g. New York and New Jersey), regional such as east coast or west coast, or country wide or even global in nature.
In all cases, the programs are managed via one admin panel with the ability to toggle between chapter programs with various permissioning levels.
Administration of Chapter Mentoring Programs
Each chapter can have its own administrator and then the association can have ‘Super Admin’ access. Admin user roles can also be set for multiple managers of individual, several or all programs per admin.
Costs can be split by among the chapters or the program can be a provided by the association as a value addition to the chapters.
Participant numbers can be rolled up into one subscription cost, helping smaller programs alongside bigger ones.

Find out how Association Chapter Mentoring can help your organization today!
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