Key points to help you makes sense of it all
- Benefits of mentoring at university
- Enhance undergrad student experience
- Running a mentoring program at a university or college
- Engage young and older alumni by mentoring students
- Benefits of workplace mentoring
- Starting a mentoring program in a traditional or a large business
- Mentoring for increased employee happiness and productivity
- Employee retention through mentoring
- Managers often need training in the form of mentoring
- What HR can do to help bad Millennial managers
- Designing an effective employee mentoring program
- How software will help your corporate mentoring program
- Mentoring difficult employees
- Intern mentoring programs
- Rewards for business leaders to mentor others
- How to mentor someone at work
- Setting goals for an effective corporate mentoring program
- How to make the most impact on employee’s careers
- The benefits of mentoring for industry associations
- Types of government and non-profit mentoring programs
- How to promote the program to newcomers to recent grads
- Mentoring examples in government
- Mentoring in journalism
- The value of mentoring young employees
- How to calculate the return on investment (ROI) of mentoring programs
- Various models for measuring results (Kirkpatrick Model and others)
- Calculate the cost of employee turnover & how mentoring helps retention
- Mentoring can help you meet employee diversity and inclusion goals
- Women mentoring women
- Equality in mentoring
- Diversity issues in the workplace
- Communication styles-listen to how people talk and respond accordingly:
- Visual communicators – image-based (“I see what you mean”) – watch video about this >>
- Audio communicators – sound-based (“I hear what you’re saying”)
- Kinesthetic (feel/touch) communicators – feel-based (” I feel that is right”) – watch Ted Talk about this >>
- It’s best is to cover all 3 types a bit to be able to communicate with anyone
- You must spend more time listening than talking – let others talk, at least only 50% of the time
- Do not finish the sentences of others
- Do not answer questions with questions
- Be aware of your own biases
- Never daydream when others talk to you
- Plan responses after the others finished speaking – otherwise can’t listen properly
- Summarize what the person just told you and then respond
- Keep conversations about what people say and not constantly changing topics
- Avoid mental chatter in your head while others talk – focus attention on the person talking – only ask questions based on what they just said – that will help you build good relationships!
- How to make conversations more meaningful
- How to turn conversations into useful learning actions
- How to be a great mentor
- Mentoring an introverted mentee
- Mentoring ice-breaker activities
- Tips for being a better mentor
- Mentoring ethics
- Setting priorities in the relationship
- How to get the most from being a mentor
- Finding your strengths
- Overcoming your weaknesses
- Finding time to mentor
- How to build trust with your mentee
- Define your perfect mentee
- Personality types
- Collaboration types
- Advice for the first meeting
- Types of mentors
- Questions to ask your mentor
- Mistakes to avoid
- Use the program to improve your soft skills
- Mentoring ice-breaker activities
- Tips for being a better mentee
- Mentoring ethics
- Setting priorities in the relationship
- How to get the most from being a mentee
- Finding your strengths
- Overcoming your weaknesses
- When, why and how to end your mentoring relationship
- The importance of expressing gratitude
- How to build trust with your mentor
- Define your perfect mentor
- Personality types
- Collaboration types
- Advice for the first meeting
- Having multiple mentors – to learn different things
- How to get the most of the program
- Tips for designing a mentoring program
- How to design great mentoring program guide books
- How to create a mentoring-oriented culture
- Integrating mentoring software to simplify your work
- How to run an online mentoring group
- Tips for growing the mentoring program
- Mentoring program pitfalls
- Define a successful program
- Types of mentoring programs
- How MentorEase can help
- Mentoring ethics
- Common mentoring buzzwords
- Managing a mentoring program pilot
- Choosing the best mentor-mentee matching format for you
- MentorEase admin panel features
- Program health assessment
- Elements of good mentoring agreements
- Progress review options
- Collecting feedback and types of feedback
- How to optimize MentorEase to create good matches
- The mentoring process
- How to introduce mentoring to your management team
- Tips to scale your program
- What Is mentoring and it’s purpose
- Mentoring helps you succeed in your goals. What is success? Progressively realize a worthy ideal. We become what we think about. Define your goals and work towards achieving them – more about this >>
- The difference between mentoring and coaching
- Psychology of mentoring relationships
- Mentoring advice from professional athletes
- Examples of the most successful mentoring programs
- The future of mentoring – artificial intelligence (A.I.) matching tools